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But it isn’t It’ll never be the saain
I would never share you Not with anyone
Oh, my God
How have we gone from declarations of love to this? Is he really that man? The kind of man ould allow his brother to screw his wife? Take part in it? And—I release a sudden, hiccupping sob—what about me? Didn’t I use his brother as ammunition, too
Maybe I do deserve to be in this clusterfuck
“Hoeet, Sandy Here I was beginning to think you’d never get over me”
“Youfro response makes my chest ache, but when I try to sit up, he applies a little more pressure, so I stay there
Breathe In Out In Out I try to relax into his touch as his handcircles
“Yes, I suppose you’re right Things weren’t right between us”
So why not divorce like a normal couple?
“But then you never remarried and,” she continues, “as far as I could tell, you’ve never been interested in anyone since Well, perhaps until now”
“I’ tabs onless pleased than they ht
“Just lately Needs ed, and I am in need of money”
“So that’s why you’re here?”
Relief floodsShould itbecomes a little more even, my shock a little less immense
“Actually, I was on hten the thumbscrews, as it were But now I don’t need to as another opportunity has presented itself”
I sit up as he steps toward her quite threateningly And then I notice why The way she’s looking at me
“And let ht, what the hell, I’, I’ll pop in and say hello to Alexander Why not?” He throws up his hands “I’ dead!”
His voice reverberates off the walls so hard, I’ht’ve been built to withstand siege warfare, but I doubt they’ve ever witnessed this man’s temper