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Hard Hot Wanting I’m not sure if those words refer to hi desperation springs to life inside ers into the soft cotton of his shirt
“Tell e and as dark as any storm “If you don’t, now is your only chance to say so”
Speak now or forever hold your peace
Hold his piece
An absurd giggle bubbles up inside ht?
But I don’t laugh as his expression changes, the look of deter a little more bittersweet I s thickly I don’t want to hurt hih to ive in I closemy mouth to deny him when the tender press of his lips at the base of my throat startles me into a sob
I expected punishh touch of his hands I didn’t expect to feel like one press of his lips could make me feel treasured Loved
His her, heated breath and bare brushes of his lips igniting o between us My back arches from the bed, my dress already perfect now up around s Alexander presses up onto his arms, and for a moment, he stares down at me Watches me Sees the truth of me My stupidity? His expression is barely discernible in the light, though his eyes shine quite suddenly like dark stars
“Give yourself to es between“Give yourself toelse”
I give him the only answer I can as I pull him down toacross ainstand maybe a little too enthusiastic for someone who’s supposed to be here under duress
We kiss as though starved, as though this kiss is the very thing to bring us breath My fingers are still twisted in his shirt as his hand reaches down to grasp her I am pure sensation, every inch of my skin aware of each place our bodies hs, his chest as it grazes h not nearly enough I begin to pull the shirt fro the heat of his skin, desperate for ertips reach their objective, his abdo in response to my touch
“Holland” He shapes rapple with the buckle of his belt as my body aches emptily for his
As though reading my mind, my intentions, he takes ues twirling and twining, our breaths shared, our half-spoken words inhaled