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No, I think, but somehow “Sure,” comes out of my mouth “Just let me make a call” I’m sure Cameron will understand Maybe not that I’m a total chicken shit, but I’ll know

“You’ll have a white blouse?” she says, al me as I open the door to the courtyard “And a black skirt?”

“Yeah” My heart suddenly sinks I’uy to serve What kind of dipshit am I?

“Idiot,” I h ponytail on the say-so of Mr McCain, who isn’t so cheery this loves It’s as hot as Hades in here, so he can’t be wearing them, and a jacket with tails, because he’s cold!

“You’ve done this before, aye?” he asks, eyeballing ed into But, come on, I’ve even ironed them!

“Serving? Yeah”

“For a formal dinner? Silver service?”

“No, but—”

He curses under his breath “Silver service is an art forht”

“I’e,” I reply snippily “I ”

“It isn’t a case of intelligence but practise So, serve froht?”


“Don’t engage the guests in conversation,” he says, barrelling on as he begins to recount a list of dos and don’ts (ainst the paluests—”

“Not even to cop a feel?”

He glowers back at me but doesn’t miss a beat “We do not stack plates e clear We move them over to the sideboard quietly and discreetly Only the sherry glasses are reet excited when faced with a celebrity”

“I’ve lived in London,” I retort indifferently “You see celebrities there all the tih I did once think I saw Keira Knightly corocery store But I can’t believe I gave up an evening at the pub, an evening with Cameron, for this

Note to self: run when someone next expects a favour

“Stations, everyone,” Mr McCain calls out “Guests will be gathering in the hall for cocktail hour shortly”