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“Won’t Chrissy find it in there?” Hugh asks,the carpet runner, which in turn, enious, no?

“Three weeksand I’ve never seen anyoneUrgh! Push, Hugh!”

“I aritted, and his cheeks flushed red

“Hold the door wider, Arch There!”

Weindustrial floor buffing machine in front of it I’ve never seen anyone use it Besides, the cleaning crew see their own each week Then Archie closes the cupboard door as I step out, then re-tucks his school shirt

“Here” I beckon hiainst the corner of his e of jelly”

“Silly Holly! We’re not allowed jelly for breakfast, either”

“Really? Not even on a little heat toast?” I tease

He shakes his head earnestly “Or ice cream”

“Why would you want jelly on toast?” Hugh asked, perplexed

Jeez This is what happens when you tell kids they can’t watch TV Pot-a-toe, pot-a-to Or jelly, jam, and Jell-O Talk about cross purposes

But getting back to the task at hand

“Help rab a side and pull it straight “Do you think you could ain He nods solemnly, so I pick up the casualty I press the decapitated head into his hands, balancing mine under his, just in case “Got it?” He nods “Okay, now to get rid of the body” My attention pivots to the other boy “You and I need to carry the dearly departed—”

“Departed from his head?”


I glance back at the row of statues, wondering if I should shuffle theether, but then think better of it One headless heirloo back into the cupboard, I open a plastic box on the wall labelled LIGHTS Locating the switch labelled SPOTLIGHTS/HALL, I flick it, and the lights go out

“That looks a little better, don’t you think?”

The boys both shrug But at least the spotlight isn’t shining on nothing

Between the three of us, we ed to stash the reet dressed As Hugh closesprofuse thanks