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“I think that I ht I’ll tell them hey”

Chloe doesn’t leave right away She stays and kissesher aro I have a feeling that there are tiain I’m not Not unless I need to Not unless it saves her life because this is where I want to be

“I will miss you today,” I tell her honestly with my arms around her waist

“I’ll ently down my cheek

She pouts out her bottoo I would love to be the one going to work to provide for her, but that isn’t safe for either of us right now But, at least when she goes to the job she loves, and has been at for years, I can be safe in the knowledge that she is co back

All I can think when she leaves is, I want to say I love you But, now isn’t the right tiet to say it this time, I want it to be perfect

Ring, ring… Ring, ring… Ring, ring…

My phone dragsChloe, and I find it half tucked under the couch It’s my dad “Hey, Dad”

“Ted, are you at Chloe’s place?” He sounds stressed

“Yes Why, what’s going on?” My shoulders tense immediately

“I need to come and see you I will be there as soon as I can so just wait, okay? I won’t be long”

He hangs up the phone leavingon, and I’m scared If my dad can’t help o on the run But hat money? Shit, I have zero fall back plan here