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“What are you taking exception to, Jude?”

“The fact those aspirations could get you killed!”

They stared at each other Tension per tension

“You have every right to be agitated,” she said “Of course, you do”

“And you have every right to do what you want to do,” he conceded “Of course, you do I would never hold you back—you said asa red dress to a black-and-white party, Kate This is dangerous Risky Life-altering”

“Yes” A few tears trickled down her hot cheeks Kate ignored the in her chest, but it was so constricting, she could barely breathe

She told hier I’ to help people, Jude Survivors of horrific, deadly disasters Their faht have actually lost a loved one in a given disaster The point is to be on-the-spot To make an ih the trau e on the back end”

“I would never trivialize this, Kate I would never think you were being careless I know you better than that I know you so much better than that”

His hand plowed through his hair Then both hands raised in the air—though not in surrender

He said, “I don’t question yourbut honorable, I have absolute faith in that You’re sain…no question there

What I can’t stomach, Kate… What I can’t wrap my mind around…”

He grasped for the correct, adequate words So since those first sessions with him, when he’d attempted to explain how his world had fallen apart

More tears streamed down her flushed face Kate stepped closer to hile beat registered

She said, “Jude, I forether I’d already told Nikki I was in The legalities have recently transpired, yes But I’d co “I’d already committed to this, Jude And you would never ask me to back out of a commitment”

“I never would,” he agreed as his eyes locked with hers