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Damn-near impossible

But not entirely

Though he’d been a rebel froe and had survived the vast majority of his life on his own—Jude had explained histrafficker ent to prison, he had no idea who his father was and McMillan was the nahteen—the one thing Jude had always craved, the one thing that had been elusive, was a true fah thick and thin

Kate’s heart wrenched suddenly It never ceased to astound her hoell she knew Jude McMillan To the depths of his soul—because he’d permitted her to delve that deep Had needed her to delve that deep

What he’d encountered, sexually, over the past few years was in the vein of assuaging guilt and atte intensity It was the saet into altercations at a bar or on the street Rather, he’d trained professionally and had legitiically moved up in ranks and could honestly oal Working out all the kinks in his system was the ultimate objective for Jude

Sleeping with Kate seemed to be another ultimate objective for him—one he’d fulfilled, and yet… Jude wanted more

Kate could see it crystal-clear in his s eyes In his hard-set jaw In his squared shoulders and the calculating tilt of his chin

Hell, it radiated from him more vibrantly than his tension

Therefore, Kate tactically suggested, “Itall of these travel preparations, Jude”

The corner of his te mouth quirked in a sexy smirk “Afraid I can’t handle a little distance, Doc? I waited three years to get naked with you Remember?” he sardonically added

Kate fought the s her stance, she said, “I’ a reco and personable substitute for me He’s quite—”

“There is no substitute for you, Kate” Jude’s hands shot out and he clasped her upper arms Kate barely had the chance to take a breath before he hauled her up against his hunky body and kissed her with that fervent reckless abandon only he’d mastered

Every fiber of her being ignited So that she melted into him once more

He loosened his grip on her and Kate slipped her ar the kiss with all the passion Jude incited

She hadn’t intended to leave things between them in this way In fact, Kate had hoped to oodbye and walk out that door, allowing both her and Jude the severed tie The fantasies would linger, she had no delusions there