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“Fucking asshole” Max’s eyes narrowed, anger blazing in theirl first Is she a real threat?”

“She’s a little girl throwing e except that Ji expedition, de with And he all but ad for soive her any details She’s suspicious but has nothing to go on” A pause “I’ll take care of her if you want me to”

“No” Max cut his to the cops And Robbins is the real probleht Seven o’clock Tell hi a drink to celebrate our growing success Egocentric assholes like him will buy into that, no questions asked He’ll probably buy a new suit for the occasion”

Slava chuckled “Consider it done”

Dmitry shifted in his seat He’d be expected to attend this supposed celebration

It was going to be deadly

Tribeca, New York

Forensic Instincts

Eins of their client’s latest interview

“You’re not being very productive, Emma,” a voice that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere said

She pulled her hands off the keyboard and rolled her eyes “I’m not in the mood for a lecture today, Yoda Besides, you’re not my Jiminy Cricket anymore, remember?”

“I recognize that it’s been three months, teeks, and six days since your three-month probationary period—cut short by Casey—ended But I re up to his or her full potential Today you’re not”

E that Yoda—Forensic Instincts’ extraordinary artificial intelligence systeo away and torture so about her lack of productivity Then again, Yoda wasn’t wrong about anything He was a hundred percent brilliant, and so huiven his inventor As the teaenius, and Yoda was omniscient

Ignoring Yoda’s ades she’d printed on the o Two of them were chat room bullshit fro about She tore those up now and chucked thees were all that mattered—a pathetically naked obit and an equally sparse article belohich was a driver’s license photo—probably the only picture of Lisa Barnes that was available E it She wasn’t sure why She just felt a kinship with this woo away

Inexplicably, Emma’s eyes filled with tears Hoeird She never cried This murder—the woman who reminded her of herself, the city it had happened in—all that had just hit her hard She’d get over it She just had to keep busy