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“Lord Aaron is right I a’s son I haven’t spent my life in peace, I’ve endured hardships But his majesty has asked me to address you today, and to tell you what comes next”

Address them? Why would Randal need to address anyone? His majesty He’d said that So this Prince Randal is my very own Randal?

Myme, and all I kneas that I needed to see him, needed to see the reat, vast hallway, lined with glea suits of are hall, with cathedral-high ceilings, packed oant clothes I had ever seen All of their heads were turned to thethem


I froze, with e before me to the world that made sense I knew hi’s son Hoas that even possible? And if it was true, what did it mean for hter, so as I to hihtful position as king? Which one of these ladies would be his wife, I wondered? Or would it be soht him neealth and new alliances?

“And so it is with deep regret that I stand here before you now, introduced to you as a prince, but in reality the ”

The crowd gasped All at once, every lord and lady fell to their knees before him As they dropped in unison, I clapped s ofat ht of him there on the dais winded me, like I’d been hit with a cannon ball And yet, he had been a prince to

My prince My King

The crowd rose again, and I was left once again nothing but a servant girl, bewildered and dizzy by what I’d just seen and heard

Prince Randal was none other thanBramain Too old to have been born to the current queen, so what? Where had he been? Why e only now hearing about a prince?

A hand on my shoulder startledwoman with kindly eyes and a warm smile

“You lost, miss?”

Oh, such relief So lost So very, very lost I stared down at my feet, at my clothes Iat the future king inside the royal palace But I had to get to him I simply had to

“I…I’ve…I need to…” I stammered