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“We’re going to lie to them?”

“We’re not going to lie to theh when I wasn’t around to protect you? I’ve known hundreds of heroes in my lifetime, and all of them would have been broken by what you suffered When I found out, I was furious No boy should have been put through that, and particularly not the future ruler of the kingdoon to save a damsel in distress, and now there’s a witch who requires your attention I hope your reign will be peaceful, but even in peacetime there are plenty of threats for a hero to vanquish”

I pressed my lips into a line All I wanted was to be away from there, to be back with Iris

Giles rolled his eyes “If you must know, I think you’re rather handsome So will the ladies in that room and any of the men who are of my persuasion”


“Oh, come on, prudishness doesn’t suit you I’ve had ht even introduce you to someone very dear to me in Aramoor City But if you don’t enter that room when you’re announced I’ll—”

“My liege lords and ladies, your attention please!” The herald bellowed “All rise for Prince Randal, son of the king!”

Chapter 18


I waited and waited for Randal to return

I finished eon I walked carefully over the erly because ain I ran s he’d used on me, all the places he’d had sex with s we hadn’t yet done

There were feathers and gags, waxed cord, and leather—soback to e had done brought a blush into s I had never felt so loved, so cared for, so cherished

He is mine and I am his, forever

I ran ers over the bruises on my body and twisted and looked down to the best one of all—a ertips and his thumb, a deep plummy-purple bruise on my bottom