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I could go right to Giles Aaron, kick down his door and uards would kill h to stopIris all alone I ive a fuck aboutto protect at all costs

Patara ht look after her on my behalf, if she was monarch, but I still believed what Giles had said, despite his betrayal: if she was on the throne, she would have difficulty enough just protecting herself

There was no option I could see that ended with me and Iris happy, except for us to flee Ironhaven Castle, flee Ara country We could do it I had iven I barely spent a penny of it, and while it was small by most royal standards, a co outthat bastard Giles was still alive and well, would damned near kill me

With a sigh of frustration, I slipped fro not for my enemy but for the kitchens

By the time Iris awoke, the full spread was ready for her There was a silver cart with four trays of food at the end of the bed, and one more tray on the comforter, with a bouquet of irises There were coconut-rolled dates, fresh apricots with dew still on the outside, eggs, coffee and tea

As soon as she opened her eyes, I held out a bunch of grapes to her

“Eat,” I told her

She rolled over, still looking fuck-dazed and satisfied, and smiled up atwith the sheet again, pulling it up to her throat There was so innocent about it, aled her into total unwholesoain

“Good ” I leaned in and kissed the top of her head

I fed her a few grapes and then got her tea squared away I s and th, whether she knew it yet or not I wanted to enjoy her before we made whatever move came next

Once I was satisfied that she’d had enough to eat, I took the food away and then turned to her across the bedrooled up in the sheets; too h skin