Page 31 (1/2)

That tongue, oh ic

He groaned, a deep ru his lips “Christ, you taste good I want you so fucking bad”

His mouth was slippery with my wetness God, hoanted to clean him God, hoanted his kisses

He didn’t give the whisper, “Will you kiss me?”

He shook his head “No When I choose to I will, not before Patience my little one”

Oh God, as that so sexy? I let out an almost cat-like purr, a sound I’d neverhie I didn’t know I knew It was as if I’d known his answer before I even asked I kneas on thin ice, but I pushed a little harder, testing hiht happen

“If you give me what I want, then I have the power And you don’t want that, do you?”

He ground his teeth together He looked s at once I’d seen that look before—the fury of a good challenge

“You’re thinking too rowled

Sht over er, he flicked a quick succession of hard taps onme writhe with pain and pleasure

“I need you to come hard for me, Iris No half-way, hold-back, prim and proper bullshit I anton, filthy, wildness Like an ani”

I nodded “Okay”

“If you ever hold back withto suck my clit away from my body in a way that made me squirm, “I will not be pleased It’s your job to please me I want all of you I want you loud and raw and iot that?”

That, at least, I did understand, and I nodded, sing hard Fear and excitement had made my throat dry

Now he penetrated er “The first ti to me”