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Fuck yeah

“I own this,” I ripped her ass, “and this,” I pinched her nipple, “and especially this,” I said, cupping her pussy, co her one ered her Sexiest sound she’d et fucked”

Chapter 14


He dragged a table over and hoisted me up onto it, still with h with me; he didn’t hold me tenderly and carefully like he had before More than ever, I are of his enorth Now in his hands, I felt like an object, like a tool for his pleasure His raas so inti that I couldn’t even speak

And yet

And yet…this wasn’t the life-or-death fear I’d felt earlier when thosefear I felt for my father This had a different shape, a different texture It was a different sensation completely

More like an ocean that I wanted to fall into rather than a flood I needed to escape Like wildfire licking a erous but not so close as to make me think about my own death

Sheer terror was cold; but when I looked at Randal, all I felt was hot Hot like a sunburn, hot like a too-ware to take it

I can take it I know I can I will show hi I am

That heat intensified my desire andto feel afraid, wanting to fear his power It et my worries and my cares, I should have been ashamed that it pushed away the horror of all I’d seen and experienced today And yet it felt so very right

Even unaware co such horrors, I was calmed by him I would follow him into hell if he led the way, and I’d know that I was safe

He stripped off his shirt but left on his pants and his boots He was in complete control of me—and of this situation; his lanced around, wondering for just one moment how many women had been here before

He turned to face me