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“Please, Randal Please don’t leave me here”

I spun around “I would never leave you, irl Never”

In her eyes, I saw genuine terror at being left there, and it broke my heart I never wanted to see that kind of fear She had no fucking clue what this was all about, I knew that She had no idea the pleasures of denial and suffering I was going to give her

But she was going to find out

I returned to her and she visibly cal away like that All she kneas that she was somewhere cold, and dark, with chains on the walls and weapons of torture everywhere, with a beast ofan eye But the line between pain and pleasure was a fucking razor I had to teach her hoalk that tightrope

I stood close to her, close enough to let her feel ainst her belly I ran my knuckle down her cheek

“The last thing I’d ever do is leave you You are safe here I promise Tell me you understand Tell me you want this”

She hesitated, then her eyes cast down “I do Is that wrong?”

I grabbed her chin, tilting her head up to look atabout us is wrong You need this and I need this You need to let someone else take it all for you And I need to relinquish control to your whims”

“What do you led against the bindings “I can’t move, Randal”

“No, but you’re in charge I need you to think of a word that you’ll remember, no matter what happens A word that you’ll only say if you want me to stop Truly stop That’s your power, Iris I have no control over how much you can take I can only follow your lead Say the word and it stops, all of it, whatever you want That’s the power you hold”

She drew a deep breath “What word?”

“It’s your choice, little one, and there’s no rush I’ve been waiting for youas you like”

She searched my face “Your whole life?”

“Yes And no I saw you the first tio, and I knew instantly that you were different I’m sorry I kept that from you I’m not a carpenter I shouldn’t have lied but I needed to be near you I couldn’t believe it when it turned out you ht actually want me as much as I wanted you, that you weren’t repulsed by me But here we are and all you need to know is you’re mine Mine to cherish,I fucking own”

I pressed her up against the wall,her chains clatter I needed her to understand th I needed her to understand that if I wanted to, I could take everything She needed to feel what thatto her So I took hold of her dress, right above her tits, and with three ferocious yanks I ripped the fabric right down thefirst her bare breasts, then her crea, child-bearing hips I let the fabric drop at her feet and then took a few steps back Her shit-covered common dress had no place on her perfection

She was every inch the goddess So much better than the fantasy I’d jacked off to for all that time And she round si any enemy that would dare to take her from me

But as I had so many times for her sake, I denied my basest instinct Before I had my ith her, I needed to clean her up Show her how much I cared for my possessions I turned and walked away, and this tio as I collected the basin fro with a clean white cloth And then, returning to her, I bathed her Inch by inch, limb by limb

She responded to my touch with moans and writhes I checked every inch of her perfect body for injury fro assholes that had been at the farm I cleaned her scrapes and her wounds, and then dried her with a fresh towel

Once I was through bathing her body, I stepped back to ad that would’vefrom her tits Her belly full and round with our next child I would breed that into her fro new obsession I’d never before iined