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The best I could do would be to watch her Keep her safe Again, this is what I told myself but I knew, if any other man tried to take as ret

I’d been to Millstone Fare oak overlooking her cowshed alroove cut in the earth where I’d paced back and forth in my obsession

Slipping from the castle in the dark hours before sunrise, I headed down into Araainst the night This was one of the few ti by the door The hours when I prowled dusk and dawn and darkness I was a beast of the forest, not ahis history behind an intricate steel facade

It was quiet as I sway The walk out to the farm was the better part of an hour on foot, but I didn’t care I would have walked the earth for her

My fingers twitched at the thought of touching that silken dark hair, caressing her pale skin, feeling the wetness of her sweet cunt drench ed me for more

By the time I reached the farht harder to walk and hadrelief It wouldn’t have been the first time I’d crept down to herin the early hours to fuckher sleep I knew exactly where her bedrooe, and my cum had coated the wall outside more than once

The dawn light was just turning the sky a salate at the end of the fares on either side My footsteps hardly e, and I felt like I could already smell her scent, could already feel her presence in the air But as I rounded the corner, I pulled up short

The planked wooden door to the front of the cottage stood open

All the times I’d visited in the early hours, there was never any inning to cluck in their enclosure, the cows still asleep No, this was so…

It was then that I heard her scream

Chapter 3