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“I pray I’ll never give you reason to take that back,” he responded “Now tell oes, and you need to ns of humor fell from his face
“How quick?” Jocelyn asked
“You have about a half an hour,” he explained “Your ency Conclave”
Alek, Ajax, and I walked into the Conclave chamber three minutes after it was due to start and found it already in an uproar
Patrick white-knuckled the arms of his chair and both of his hu him as closely as possible As if they could actually stop any of us
“I’ your border!” Genevieve shouted, pointing her finger at Luka fro not to take her seat
I pushed back every emotion and the swell of bitter wrath that deoing to see this through, I needed to keepcool no matter what the murderous witch said in this chamber
Luka surged to his feet even as Alek took his seat “How dare you i to do with the lycans!”
His two escorts growled in agree into claws
“Oh good, youto have to watch the show all by myself” Xavier nodded at Alek, sprawled across his chair with a bored expression
“Where the hell have you been!” Genevieve shrieked, her hands curling into fists
Locking my jaw, I ripped my eyes away from the only woaze to the girl at her side Luna’s eyes were haunted, her skin sallow, her eyes puffy and red Fuck, I hated lying to her, but this was the only way
Her lips parted when she sawto the crile tear rolled down her cheek
“Sorry we’re late, Genevieve,” Alek responded “You have hing his words “We’ll just keep it at iesand my condolences”
Genevieve’s eyes narrowed on Alek, but for all her rage, her hair was smooth and unruffled Her bluster all for show
Good thing ot pissed or I’d look like Albert-fucking-Einstein right now
Xavier’s head shifted slightly, his gaze flickering between the three of us “Things at home?” His dark eyebrows rose
“Daphne’s fine,” Alek responded “She’s also still seventeen”
Xavier smiled slowly “I’ll never understand the mortal preoccupation with time”
“Do you understand the ht smirk