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Mother blinked several ti fro,” she spat “You are no longer er worthy to wear the witch queen heiress title You’re an aboraced to have ever called youme like a backhand
Blood trickled from my nose from the hit, and I fired back with my oave of power
She barely flinched
The wealth of power I had, and it was no match for hers
It didn’t stop
I woveit with the force of a Mack truck I hurled it at her chest, too bright and too fast for her to block it It hit its mark, but she only stued from the power
“How dare you try to defyoff the walls Her power rolled off her in waves, and I hated that th of it
I soared across the rooainst the farthest wall so hard stars burst behind my eyes
“You ungrateful little wretch,” she hissed as she stomped across the room toward me “How could you betray me like this? How could you mate one of those vile creatures?”
“Careful,” I warned, gathering toanother wave of power her way Her head sht up her eyes “Careful how you speak about my mate”
She laughed then, a sadistic, terrifying laugh
I tried again, wanting to hit her hard enough to subdue her Hard enough to buyher in for questioning I threw a sleeping spell at her, but she waved it away like I’d tossed a flower at her instead of a hard-as-hell spell
“So sad,” she said, and curled her hands into claws, her power spearing through rip I floundered as she propelleds “You could’ve been the best of us” She shook her head, twisting her other hand in circular motions, and my breastbone cracked
I tried to screarip on my throat was too much
She twisted those fingers again, and three of my ribs broke
Tears strea in my head
My power rose and thrashed but she deflected every single time
Black popped at the edge of my vision, but I could still see her smile
My ownme bone by bone, and she was happy about it