Page 49 (1/2)
The younger females watched Jocelyn with a curiosity that bordered on jealousy, which I could understand given the seating arrangements A witch had never been invited to dine at the Domum, and ere only a few seats down froazes as they whispered, no doubt pondering what exactly Jocelyn’s place was But the males…
One blatantly ran his gaze down her profile, her neck, her frame, in open adh to bare a hint of cleavage, and s extended as he noticed
“Hey there, Benny,” she whispered, but my attention was locked on the soon-to-be-dead aristocrat who obviously thought Jocelyn was fair gaic in her blood, there wasn’t even the slightest mark on her neck from when I’d fed at her throat, which would have at least warned the s are, you ht want to put them away”
My gaze whipped toward hers and found a se to kiss the expression off her face and forced s to recede
“Good boy,” she teased with a wink
I rolledevery dirty response silent in ood boy” was going to do, the other va was a bitch
“You’re causing a stir,” Valor said from my left “I mean, it was one shock to find huue “Scandalous Plus, you’re hot, so you know the tongues are wagging”
“Well, it’s aard as hell,” Jocelyn responded, tugging on the sleeves of her shirt for the hundredth ti sure her mark—my mark—stayed hidden
Mine Mine Mine
Yeah, yeah I know But the rest of the world didn’t, whichmy female
“You guys headed off to fun and exciting places tonight?” Valor asked