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“Was that the art teacher?” I knew I sounded like an asshole but goddammit, this was just another damn complication
“Her nalare aimed at me “And she’s the reasonwas shallow and his nostrils flared, signs of a man in conflict
“Why doesn’t she just fucking let the para an asshole, but I orried for Max, and Moon was an easy target She’d always seemed a little hippy dippy, which wasn’t what I saw as she kept her hand on Jana’s throat She was serious and intense, kind of badass even But I never would have pegged her for a glory hog
“Who gives a shit? Jana has a chance!”
Goddaone down at Moon’s shop, it looked like she’d help save Jana “You’re right ?”
“Just for an to pace in front of the s I just watched hi off him with every turn, every step
I didn’t kno long I sat there watching Max asrooh that they forced us toroos, looking pale and afraid
Lasso was up and at her side in half a second, wrapping her in his ar?” Her words were shaky and broken, projecting just how bad tonight had been
“It was terrible, she was spurting and choking and I thought she was gonna die,” Rocky gulped in a breath and clutched at Lasso’s shirt “But Moon was there, calm as can be as she issued orders and kept Jana cal Where is she?”
“Babe, settle down We haven’t heard anything yet Have a seat” Lasso guided her to a chair and whispered in her ear until she was less frantic
“How co yet?” Rocky blurted out
“Exactly,” Max growled “Not one fucking word” He continued pacing, no doubt scaring all the doctors, nurses and family members who crossed his path
“Any word yet?” Teddy asked as she showed up with her daughter, Quinn, in a stroller and a little black-haired boy holding her hand The whole gang behind her, a parade of family – Mandy with Max and Jana’s son Charlie and Gunnar’s baby sister, Maisie
“No,” Max barked, getting angrier each time someone asked the question I made a mental note to stop the next one