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Pain twisted in nored it Shut it off I’d been hurt plenty—if it wasn’t life-threatening, I could shove it aside

“Did you say so, doll?” Hadriel poked his head in the doorway, his eyes bloodshot and his face haggard

“Nope, nothing,” I said through a tight jaw, the unanswered co torn off and ainst e

Still, I persisted, suppressing that ani the pain

“How do you feel?” I asked “A?”

He wasn’t a friend—for all I knew, he could be an eneht and feel like a stranger

“I do not feel aainst the doorfra a hand down his face “My mouth tastes like so I’m miserable And while I am miserable, the master has decided he needs to arden field Dealing with hi a little more misery to my day We need to hurry”


“Yeah, except if you don’t go, I will be the one who’s punished grueso you to please, please have pity on your poor, huarden field”

“Do you always talk about yourself in the third person?”

“Only when it’s a dire situation and I cannot think in a rational oal of the day is not shittingorders, I will definitely shit myself, and then everyone willThis is essential Please I will do anything”

He held his stoht face, and I couldn’t stop chuckling

“It’s not funny,” he said with a little quirk to his lips “Do you have any idea how ood for one’s storeasy breakfast I only did those things because I thought I would be inside all day today with nothing but a puzzle to do Now I have to venture out into a high-stress situation away fro These are my professional pants I don’t want to ruin them I need you to do this for me”

I laughed harder; I couldn’t help it The situation was just so absurd

“I’d really rather not,” I ed

“Please I cannot handle his wrath normally, and I certainly cannot handle it today I’ll do anything”