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“Half a million”

“Do I look like the kind of girl who can live off five hundred thousand dollars?” She laughed It wasn’t a nice sound “One million, Taz, and I need it transferred over today”

“I’ until I have confirmation those papers weren’t filed” He picked up a black T-shirt from the suitcase and put it on

Ta “If that’s how you want to play it, then I guess I’ll have no choice but to contest the divorce”

She hadn’t always been this unfeeling Selfish? Narcissistic? Athe ets to her today? It was desperate, and didn’t jive with the Tamara he knew—at least not with the woo Of course, he wasn’t the ht he’d uys She’d shown hi he’d been Would he be as cold as Tamara if Bianca had never pushed her way into his I-only-look-out-for-myself life? It wasn’t a question he wanted to even contemplate, let alone answer

“You’re a real piece of work, Ta to come back to haunt you one of these days”

“Don’t I know it,” she said, a raw edge to her quiet words

He grabbed his phone and punched in a text e to his accountant “Look, it’ll take tiether It’s not like I have it as cash under the ator, Isaac Camacho, ti filed and what in the hell she was really up to while he and the teaet back from this mission, you’ll have your cash”

Her ht before her ice queen mask fell back in place He was about to follow up on the change when his phone buzzed Shoving the question about her reaction aside, he clicked on the new text e icon


“Don’t go anywhere,” he said as he crossed the loft to the elevator “I’ll be back as soon as I can”

“Oh Honey Bear,” she said, following a few steps behind “I’ your side until the transfer is confirmed”

Chapter 4

