Page 52 (1/2)
Maybe Lincoln is finally letting me into their world a little
Truthfully, I don’t know if that’s a good thing But if I’ forced to keep this secret, to let it eat away at my mind and soul, I want to at least not be kept in the dark
I say hi to Mo She offers to cover forduties, but I don’t take her up on it Monotonous scrubbing actually helps take s
At six, I head upstairs to change back into my street clothes, and Mom and I eat dinner in her little apart room, served by Gwen, the house chef But we’re not responsible for the setup or cleanup of meals
I wait until exactly 7:30 to head downstairs to the pool house I don’t want Samuel or Audrey to find uys tiet there first
When I walk in, they’re lounging on the large, comfortable chairs at one end of the pool, and I have a sudden flash of déjà vu This is where I first saw Dax, Chase, and River Where I overheard the shit about me and kicked River’s phone into the pool in retaliation
Whether I like to aded a lot since then My feelings for theed
And ed too, because when I walk in, so like relief flashes in each of their eyes
They’re all wearing street clothes, and it’s obvious they came here for the privacy and isolation, not for the pool There’s an empty chair on one side of the circle, and I step toward it
“So, what’s up?” I ask as I sink onto the soft cushion, glancing around at their faces anxiously
“We’ve been trying to figure out who the guy in the mask was,” Lincoln says bluntly
I sit up straighter, eyes going wide “What? I thought you said we shouldn’t say anything”
“We’re not” He lowers his chin, giving otten his ten thousand warnings to keep ht anyone else in on this or told anyone anything”
I blink “Okay What have you found out? Anything?”
Dax runs a hand through his dark copper hair “Not much, sadly Did you show her the pictures, Linc?”