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Chloe noticed how he couldn’t look her in the eye She reached for his hand, wrapping hers tightly around his “Why haven’t you asked me to marry you?” She knew she held blame for this, too, as she’d never pressed the matter

Up until a o, that hadn’t seemed odd

A slow breath escaped his mouth “Chloe, that’s not fair You know I’ve been busy with university, law school, and settling into the firm”

She watched his every e seeray T-shirt and plaid shirt Suddenly it became clear

that she and Josh had the same doubts “Is it that? Or do you not want to marry me?”

His chin jerked up, eyes pained “You know I love you, Chloe”

“I know you do And you know I love you, too”

Their fingers tangled together, and the heavy silence stretched out, speaking of so nore the giant elephant in the room and continue to live her life with Josh They shared a strong love, but passion didn’t exist in their lives She could count on one hand how many times they’d had sex in the last year—and whenever they did that particular deed, it began with an alcohol-fueled night That sort of life seemed unfair to both of them

Don’t we deserve passion?

He tightened his fingers around hers and she shut her eyes, willing herself strength At last she reopened theaze on her “I’m happy with you I’ether because it is comfortable and it’s e’ve always known”

He paused Then said, “I feel the same way”

“You do?”

A couple of young girls passed by their table, laughing Josh waited until their laughter faded away before continuing, “It seems too easy”

“Too comfortable Like best friends?”

He gave a small nod