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As he straightened to remove the spreader bar, he heard a voice next to him say, “I need to speak with you, sir”

Dmitri turned, and at the shock of the interruption, he snapped, “On your knees, sub!”

The young Club Sin subo, dropped to the ground in a heartbeat Her head was bowed to the ground and her hands were twined together “Explain yourself,” he growled at her “And do it now!”

“I’ you and Presley, sir” Her head lifted, revealing terrified brown eyes “But it’s important”

Interrupting a scene between a Do that, D the fear in her expression He suppressed his further reprimand “What do you need to say, Sarah?”

She lifted her hand, offering hi to show you It can’t wait”

“Show me”

She shook her head, looking everywhere but at him “Not here Believe me, it’s private”

So Dmitri’s alarms “Sarah, look at me” When she stared into his eyes, he added in a dry voice, “My cock is soaked with Presley’s cu out for all to see You’ve also just interrupted our scene Shohatever you have to I will not repeat ain”

She hesitated, giving Presley a pained look, then turned to Dain “Okay, sir” With shaky hands, she opened the envelope and handed Dmitri a stack of pictures

He kept one hand on Presley’s back, telling her to stay put as he looked at the photos In that very second, he knew his life would never be the saain

And that Club Sin was in grave danger

Chapter 1

“Club Sin is no longer safe”

Six words D rushed fro said the behind the cherrywood desk in his home office, Dmitri faced the eon, Club Sin