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"The news that you are bursting to tell uess atit You are elated, therefore it is not bad; but being news and notbad it ood--from your point of view at any rate Then youare jubilant, so there oist for that I a business-likeor official, such as the heading off the kidnappers, would have such apositive effect on you Then, it being personal, and you having rathermore of a dominant air than usual about you--Let ht blush swept over her face and neckI waited It frightenedaccuracyhich she suround for merapidly and effectively After a pause she said in a small voice:
"Archie shohat you have got in your waistcoat pocket" It was myturn to blush a bit now I took out the tiny case which held the goldring and handed it to her She took it with a look of adorable sweetnessand opened it I think she suspected only an engageold she shut the box with a sudden "Oh!"and kept it hidden in her hand, whilst her face was as red as sunset Ifelt that my time had come
"Shall I tell you now?" I asked putting my arms round her
"Yes! if you wish" This was said in a low voice "But I aht that this--this sort of thingcame later, and after some time was mutually fixed for--for--_it_!"
"No tih shelooked at me wistfully, I went on:
"I have made a plan and I think you will approve of it That is as awhole; even if you dislike some of the details What do you think ofan escape froot hidden before; why not again, when once you have put them offthe scent I have as a matter of fact planned a little movement ill at any rate try whether we can escape the watchfulness of thesegentlemen"
"Good!" she said with interest
"Well, first of all" I went on, getting nervous as I drew near thesubject "Don't you think that it will be well to prevent anyone talkingabout us, hereafter, in an unpleasant way?"
"I'm afraid I don't quite understand!"
"Well, look here, Marjory You and I are going to beon; if there is anyescaping to be done, there will be watchful eyes on us before it, andgossiping tongues afterwards; and inquiries and coether, often alone or under oddcircuht aout boldly, bamboozle trained detectives who havealready marked you down"
"Notof our brains with thinkingto know that"
"Well then estion is that we bein the way of scandal; no o!" My bolt was sped, and soan to ooze away Iwaited to hear what she would say She waited quite a while and thensaid quietly:
"Don't be frightened, Archie, I a it over I must think; itis all too serious and too sudden to decide on in a lad,anyhow, that you show such decision of character, and turn passingcircumstances into the direction in which you wish theues well for the future!"
"Now you are satirical!"
"Just a little Don't you think there is an excuse?" She was not quitesatisfied; and indeed I could not be surprised I had thought of thely for the last twenty-four hours that I did not ainst myself; my natural dread of her refusaltook care of that As, however, I alative, I was not unduly depressed by a shade of doubt I was,however, so single-minded in ue with her doubts As it was evident that she,naturally enough, thought that I wanted her to marry me at once out ofthe ardour of my love, I tried to make her aware as well as I could ofmy consideration for her wishes Soht that she felt it too: