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“I believe he may have done so”

“Noould he have done that, I wonder?” said Sir Edward, his voice heavy with sarcasm Emma continued to stare at hi her to reply “Could it have been that he didn’t want you to add libel to the slander you had already committed?”

“I wanted my words to be on the record,” said Emma

Trelford bowed his head, as Sir Edward said, “Did you indeed? So we have established, have we not, Mrs Clifton, that you took against my client on the day you met her, that this intense dislike was co, and that years later at your company’s AGM, in front of a packed audience of the shareholders, you sought to hu she was not a decent ordinary person, but so the company down You then went on to overrule your company secretary in order to ensure that your slanderous words were repeated in the minutes of the AGM Isn’t the truth, Mrs Clifton, that you were si, who is now asking for nothing more than retribution for your ill-considered words? I think the Bard best suood name, robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed”

Sir Edward continued to glare at Eown When he felt he had created the desired effect, he turned to the judge and said, “I have no more questions, my lady”

When Trelford looked at the jury, he thought they ht burst into applause He decided that he would have to take a risk, one that he wasn’t sure the judge would let hiet aith

“Do you have any further questions for your client, Mr Trelford?” asked Mrs Justice Lane

“Just one, my lady,” said Trelford “Mrs Clifton, Sir Edward raised the question of your s about Lady Virginia to you?”

“Mr Trelford,” interrupted the judge before Emma could reply, “as you well know, that would be hearsay, and inadmissible”

“But inia in her will,” said E up at the bench

“I’m not sure I fully understand you, Mrs Clifton,” said the judge

“In her will

, she spelled out her reasons for not leaving anything to my brother”

Trelford picked up the will and said, “I could read out the relevant passage,to sound like an innocent schoolboy

Sir Edas quickly on his feet “This is undoubtedly nothingonly too hat Trelford was referring to