Page 28 (1/2)

Travis reaches for a slice of herbed cheese and tosses in hisHave you ever been here before?”

I force a smile at his lack ofhim the same question It’s obvious the closest Travis has ever been to a fancy restaurant like this one is the sidewalk “So, tell me about yourself, Travis Do you have another job besides the Horizon Hotel?”

“Nope” Travis winks, which doesn’t“What do you do?”

“I was a part-tiia They discounted Molly's daycare, which allowedto school Childcare is not cheap”

“That’s your daughter, right?” Travis ss half his glass of wine in one big s, not at all savoring the exquisite flavor I have more class in my pinky toe than this man does in his whole body

“Yeah She turned four a couple of weeks before we moved back”

Travis takes his biscotti and dips it in what’s left of his wine before taking a bite “This shit is heavenly You gotta try it” He holds the soaked bread, which I’m sure tastes wonderful, out to s and shoves the last bite in his , “What do you do now?”

“I’s and student loan overage, we’re okay for theoff of Sarah, but she won’t letthat she doesn’t have to pay her father so that ree but don’t have the money to press the matter

“You really should talk to Bane” Travis finishes his glass of wine then pours himself another “He can hook you up”

I shake , rich and flavorful I could probably eat a whole block and be satisfied but don't’ becauseour waiter approach, I grab twodish

Our waiter sets two tiny scoops of ice cream in front of us as someone else takes what’s left of the cheese away “Mint sorbet to cleanse your pallet”

Travis lifts the tiny tasting spoon and chuckles before pinching theit in his mouth “Oooh Brain freeze”

As thrilled as I aant place, this date is a disaster Travis is an e tables have stared at us on more than one occasion I don't like it I quickly eat the last slices of et out of here?”

“Fuck yes” Travis discards his napkin on the table and stands “I feel like a fish out of water Coo”

The good thing aboutYou can drink as much as you want because with the click of an app someone will pick you up and take you to your destination Although, this concept one hundred percent goes against the don’t get into a stranger’s car concept mom beat in