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“You’ll call ?”
“I’ll text you Saturday when I’m headed over I still need you to send me the address”
“Okay, sounds good”
“Love you, Ry”
“Love you, too”
The phone disconnects ainst my bedroom door
“Co it’s my mom
When the door swings open and Oliver appears in the doorway, I’m not sure if I’m more surprised or pissed It’s the first time I’ve seen him since what happened at school today, and while I kneas mad, I don’t think I realized just how mad until this very second
“Hey” He shuffles fro extremely uncomfortable “I, uh, I just wanted to say sorry for the role I played in ent down today” He doesn’tto stare at the wall behind me
“Little late for apologies, don’t you think?” I clip, knowing the only reason he’s here is because Paul likely ize
“Yeah, well, for what it’s worth, I didn’t record that video with the intent of showing it to anyone I was just planning on threatening to use it”
“Like that makes it any better?” I draw back
“Anyway,” he continues like I didn’t say anything “I know you left your car at school today, so I was thinking ive you a ride tomorrow”
“You’re joking, right?” I let out an angry laugh “You humiliateto make up for that?”