Page 31 (1/2)

Treacherous Alex Grayson 12070K 2023-08-28

I jerk my chin up and wait until she’s seated at one end of the couch before sitting down on the opposite end I probably should have taken the chair, but for some unexplainable reason I want to be closer to her

“I can grab you so to drink if you like,” she offers “Tea, Coke, water?”



She licks her lips nervously and tucks her hands between her knees I lean back, resting an ar my knees fall open She keeps her head forward, but her eyes dart toward me every few seconds

“Do I ?” It’s a dumb question The answer is in the bounce of her knees and the stiff set of her shoulders But I want to see if she’ll answer truthfully

“Or soh for me to hear

“What was that?”

“Nothing,” she answers louder

I shter in We’re silent for a fewof the leafless branches with the light breeze

“Can you blalance over at her sudden question “Oneyour best to ers, and now, here you are wanting to talk You hate me”

I blow out a long breath and run my hand over my face then the back of my head “I don’t hate you”

She lets out a bitter laugh “Could’ve fooled me”

I turn so I’ her “I don’t hate you, Rylee,” I state sternly “I just don’t particularly like you”

She lifts her head, her brows scrunched together