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A fresh start


My first teeks of classes flew by and I began to settle intointoThea she was actually pretty cool In fact, I kind of even liked her I hadn’t wanted to nore and she was determined to be my friend Weout in

our dorether

I hadn’t seen Cade at all in the last teeks—not since our run in at the coffee shop

That should’ve been a good thing, but instead I found ot Froathered frouys like him—you know, the super hot jock types—craved attention, but Cade stayed hidden He was a pretty unusual guy

Since he see runs had been relatively quiet and pretty boring I never thought I’d like having someone run withdidn’t seeether we hadn’t even spoken much, but Cade seemed to calm and center me He had a weird effect on my body I wanted to hate it, but I didn’t Cade

I kneould be better if I stayed away froh for that So about him drew me in and I was too weak to resist—just like I couldn’t sees were pretty inetism to them and it was nice to have people in my life that didn’t knohat I’d done Back hoed and looked down upon—not that I could bla, so very wrong But I was human and I craved normalcy, and for the first ti Norotten what it felt like

I kneas being silly to even be thinking about Cade After all, I hadn’t seen hihts

Realistically, he was probably avoiding me and had found sos—because while he ht’ve made me like him, it didn’t mean I wanted hioing there Sex cos were involved…yeah, that was a bomb I wanted to avoid at all costs

“Hey,” Thea s in the doorway of the bathrooo out to I’m bored”

I resisted the urge to wince “Going out isn’t exactly ”

“Is anything your thing?” She countered She had a valid point there

“Not really,” I replied honestly Once upon a time it had been, but not anymore

She jutted out her botto ed, “Please, please, please? We don’t have to go to a club or anything like that Ooh! Ooh!” She suddenly raised one arm excitedly, like a little kid in school desperate to be called on because they knew the correct answer to the teacher’s question “I know! This weekend is the end of the carnival! Let’s do that! It’ll be fun!”