Page 73 (2/2)

Wrangled Daryl Banner 14210K 2023-08-28

“I just don’t wanna hurt him I mean … I don’t wanna hurt me either I love Chaddy in hs, heavy and long “Oh, onna miss this place Deeply Shit”

She likes the word “shit” a lot I’ so ar on them, then start to say, “You know, you don’t have to rush it, or decide nohether—”

“Are you and Chaddy a thing?”

My lips remain open, the rest of my sentence left unsaid

“I don’t ed She licks her fingers off one by one “I mean … I do want to pry a little Like, the normal amount Are you two happy?”

I don’t even kno to cross this bridge I’ht off of it and into the river “I … well, I mean …” I let out a nervous chuckle “Look, to be totally fair, I only just got into town Friday After not having seen each other for ten years, I only just reconnected with hi bad bully of my teenhood Now …”

Now he’s so much more

Now, I have no idea who he is anymore He’s looked at like a saint by some folk in town He donates to charities He supports local businesses with his ranch

He’s practically a shining fucking star of Spruce

And what am I? Its bitter, sore wound in its ass?

“It only took oes for round two of (loudly) licking off each of her fingers “He and I only went on three dates before I knew soh to consider things Bigger things”

I softly close ain

“And of course, you didn’t justhistory with hih school Even I can vouch for that You havehim around, by the way I just knew, even back then, there was so in him, you know? Shit I just saw it And no one else did, not even his own mama or papa Well, the papa, for sure He wasn’t a bad ood one Actually, maybe he was a bad man He was a mean drunk” She puts a hand to her forehead “Do I have a fever? Never one and worked myself up I’m not usually like this At least, I don’t think I am My point is, you know Chaddy And you know your own heart And I think, asscene that made hi, long tiivessmirk “I think it was you”