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May 28, 2016

It’s hot today, but I don’t care Gwenna likes to holdhers We’ve taken Brian to the enclosure, into Piglet’s house, and noe’re walking to the open-roofed gazebo behind mine I squeeze Gwen’s hand as Brian climbs the step and takes a seat on the wooden bench that wraps around the inside of the octagon

Pig and I sit down across from him Brian takes out his tiny, black recorder, and Gwenna draws my arm into her lap Her free hand starts to stroke the inside of my forearm

I can’t bring o, we sat in Gwenna’s living roo-to-leg and hip-to-hip, my arm around her shoulders, while she talked for four and a half hours, taking breaks to wipe her eyes and blow her nose As we served Brian dinner, she found small moments to peck me on the cheek and rub my hip and whisper, “Good?”

I smiled for her, just like I always try to, even when it’s not all good Because she smiles for me Because, now that she has my mother’s emerald on her left hand, I’ve vowed to th, her shield, the second heart that keeps her breathing when she can’t

Brian’s a cool guy, and I like him If I didn’t, or she didn’t, ouldn’t be here We don’t have to be It’s not because we need the money It’s because, if Brian does make the o to veterans I get to choose the charities myself

So when Brian smiles at us, and Gwen looks at me, I take a slow, quiet breath and think aboutto knoith the veteran’s group, the guys ork withfor is remodeled, and I open the doors of Freedom Martial Arts

I give Brian a small nod

“So we’ll do just like we did with Gwenna Trying to get notes on you for the actor, and foron his face “Let’s start off with sohter Tell ht and Gas there”

I shift my eyes from Brian’s to the bench beside him Gwen’s hand squeezes my wrist What do I tell hi like that The way it felt to have her arms around me, just her smell…

I inhale deeply My

throat aches

“Surprised” It comes out a whisper

“Why?” he asks

I feel Gwen’s forehead press against er washes through me I don’t even knohom Myself