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Underneath my hand, I feel her warm, satiny throat move as she does the same I smell her fruity lotion as I inhale; try to do it slowly
“That’s right” Her right hand holds ainst her collarbone Despite not looking at her face, I’aze—just like I always do when I’m with her
“Just breathe when I count Okay? Exhale and hold for…one Mississippi, two Mississippi…” She counts to five, and I’ but breathe in time with her words
“You’re Operators now You have to ”
Sha of heat I lose track of her counting, then try to grab a few, more shallow breaths to catch back up It doesn’t work My lungs feel like they’re shrinking I feel my hands twitch
“Do you have a paper bag?” her soft voice asks
I shakemyself for this
Her left hand on ently “What about some Xanax?”
I shake it again
“That’s okay” After a o and joins me on the couch I feel her small, soft body as she moves in close besideme closer But…I can’t
Gwenna scoots closer to me, until she’s almost in es ainst her This tiht, I can’t fight her My face presses in between her chin and shoulder
She inhales
“You feel me breathe?” She wraps an aret it all the way aroundher small palm in the center of my back
“Relax against me Listen to my heartbeat If you were to pass out—not that you will; worst case scenario… I’ll just hold you till you wake up”