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It worked Stephanie told several funny "Jaotten into and out of trouble "As usual," Steph said, "Jamie caused the social equivalent of a ten-car pileup and didnt even notice Tim says she needs a rearview mirror to see her own life "

Elizabeth laughed "She gets that from my dad He never once looked before he leaped He said it ruined the surprise " Her voice snagged on the thought: Hes gone

"Are you okay, Mom?"

"I miss him "

"I know Ja a hard time with it She and Grandad were so close I think its affecting her swi well "

Elizabeth sighed Her poor little girl Jaht be all hard shell on the outside, but inside, she had a soft candy center "Keep your eye on her for me Ill call her tomorrow after her physical anthro class "

"I tried getting her to see a counselor on campus, but you know Jamie She told me to butt out "

"Youre a good girl, Steph," Elizabeth said "Do I tell you that often enough?"

"Yes, Mom "

Elizabeth chose her next words carefully "Just dont forget how to put Stephanie first Soh your fingers "

"Are you okay, Mom?"

"Sure Im just a little tired, thats all "

Stephanie was quiet for aThere was a swell of applause "Is there so kids and getting married?"

It was the kind of question a woman usually came to too late in life, after shed chosen one road and realized it was a dead end "What makes you ask that?"

"Iram about a woman who killed her kids It seems she alanted to be a policewoood choice Anyway, the shrink is blabbing about hoo a weapon So "