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“Yes, dear, get on with it”

She took a deep breath “Please don’t be shocked about what I’ to tell you”

“Oh, Jena, for goodness sake, you love them both Now please tell me the rest”

“Mom, you never cease to amaze me”

“I know they love you It’s written all over their faces So, where do we go from here?”

Jena told her Mouys, about Destiny, and about all the friendly, quirky people there She also told her about the coamy

“Jena, there have been two times in my life that I’ve been this happy The first hen Irace car driver and I had you You tellresidents and that we get to move there I can’t tell you how happy you’ve reat sons-in-law that want me, too”

“We’re not married yet, Mom”

“That’s just a formality, dear”

Matt, Sean, and Ki “The Farmer in the Dale”

Jena thought they looked so cute together

A big grin covered her ive your newand kiss”

“Mom” Jena was quite shocked at her mother’s forwardness