Page 17 (1/2)
Before Matt could fire on the fourth round
Behind the dead thug stood Floyd, holding a shotgun, which Matt had never seen “Your girl okay?”
He nodded,to the front door to wave the all clear to Sean “She’s outside with my friend”
“Thanks, buddy,” Floyd said “I thought I was a goner for sure”
“I was happy to lend a hand to a fellow Marine”
“Much appreciated It ht not of looked like I had theot to call est thing he’s had to cover in his entire career”
He saw Sean lead Jena into the garage
“You’re okay Thank God” She wrapped her arms around him, and he felt his heart jump
“Buster, this is Floyd Get your butt down here I got four dead coe You need to come take care of it I know it’s crazy, but I’ll help you sort it all out when you get here” Floyd ended the call and sat back down in the chair “Do you folksme why these assholes were after you?”
Matt’s CIA training told him to keep his mouth shut Infor he wouldn’t share either, despite how much they both liked Floyd
“They were co the beans
Floyd nodded “Telllady”
She did, and neither he nor Sean stopped her Training be dauy had proven hi out the fourth mobster
“That’s e’re headed to Destiny,” Jena said “Me and these tant to bring down the man behind all of this”