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Offside Shay Savage 16860K 2023-08-27



“Hiya, Thomas!”

Ignoring Heather Lones’ grating voice cooal, I tried to wipe the sweat frolove, but I think all I really ed to do was to rub mud across ht and then to the left, keeping it close and withinto put a little pressure onover and grabbing the ball off the ground

I had six seconds

I tossed the ball up into the air, and then gripped it a little tighter as I ran to the top of the box I could see Jere one of their midfielders with him, which left our striker, Mika Klosav, wide open I punted the ball straight to him with a second to spare

“Oh my God! That was so awesome!”


With the score tied at one-to-one, I couldn’t afford to ame of the season, but it was also the one that would set the pace for the rest of the year Having what had to be the single ht behindthe situation I didn’t think I had ever even given her the tiinity ere both drunk during the end-of-year bonfire down at the beach, but I definitely never told her what fucking time it was

Seven ht an easy one when it caht at me, rolled it to Jerenaled Klosav and ht, and when Jeremy belted an incredible cross to the far side of the box, Clint was there with the header

Heather’s screech was enough for lare at her

“Will you shut the fuck up?” I snapped She just giggled and linked arirl I hadn’t seen before She was s a hoodie drawn up over her head If I were hanging out with Heather Lones, I’d be hiding under a hood, too The two of them skipped off toward the corner where the tunnel to the locker rooed the other chick with her I shook ame

The forwards were ht and nuht was offside by at least six feet, so I turned my attention to the other one as currently blocked by Jeremy The ball flew over the ht trapped the ball and started to swing his leg back I straightened up, waiting for the offside flag to go up and the whistle to sound as the ball flew past oal behind me

The ref blew the whistle and signaled a goal while I looked froain He was taking his booklet out of his back pocket and scribbling on it

“You’re kidding, right?” I snapped “He was offside by a mile!”

The ref shook his head from one side to the other as he marked the score two-all I stomped up to the top of the box until I was nose to nose with him and tossed my hands in the air

“This isn’t a Pee Wee ga blind or just s crack?”

“Get back in position,” he said quietly as he shoved the book back in his pocket

“Are you a fuckingrule book?”

The next thing I kneas seeing red

A red card, that is