Page 18 (1/2)

“We’re going to talk About what happened thisand yesterday And this”

Before I could stop hied not to wince at the contact, it didn’t matter, because I knew Jace could feel the unevenness beneath the fabric

“Jace, don’t,” I said when he reached for the end of my sleeve

He ignored me, of course

I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t have to look at him as he carefully pushed my sleeve up

But it didn’t h out loud because a couple of et some kind of response out of him Now I just wanted to sink into the floor

I forced my eyes open and watched Jace work his hair tie and the swatch of fabric free He shook his head when his gaze fell on the three cuts that were still seeping blood He rested his hand and mine in his lap as he closed his eyes

“I’m sorry, Jace,” slipped out before I could stop , because I didn’t owe hi I hadn’t since he’d turned his back on me


I ignored the inner voice and turned to look out one of the little circular s I keptthe cuts with an antiseptic wipe I flinched as pain stungpain, I had no interest in it if I couldn’t control it

And right now, I felt like there was absolutely nothing in my control anymore

I was sure it was over when Jace put a large, square Band-Aid over the cuts, but he didn’t release my wrist Instead, he took his free hand and cupped the back of my neck with it I waited for him to tell me to look at him, or to ask me why I’d done what I’d done, but he didn’t do any of that

Instead, he pulled ainst mine I was stunned to hear his voice break when he whispered, “Caleb” He paused and sucked in a breath “Please, please don’t do this any you”

I closedto escape my clenched lids I failed to hold it back

“I’ll try,” I lied, because I couldn’t stand the hitch I’d heard in his voice as he’d whispered the plea