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“You’re looking for Ella!” she exclai, and I felt my heart leap in my chest
“You know her?” I asked “Did you talk to her? Did she say where she’s going?”
Deuys, her grin widening “She’s on her way to New York to meet up with her band,” she said “You can probably still catch up to her, if you hurry”
So here ere, packed into our van between our equipht before, but I felt wired, ju, as the scenery rushed by Chris drove, his eyes fixed on the road Every once in a while, I saw his gaze meet Lester’s in the rearview mirror, and the tould share a s the tenderness between them now made my heart clench We needed to find Ella I wouldn’t lose anyone else
In the back seat, the rest of the guys gathered around Darren’s phone, trying to track down any inforht be able to find about Ella online Between theht before, anything that ht help to find her now
“I think she said she grew up in West Virginia,” Jason said Saul nodded
“And her dad was afor auto shops in West Virginia”
“Really?” Darren said skeptically “There’s going to be thousands of results”
“Probably not thousands,” Howie deadpanned “It is West Virginia, after all There are more cows than people in the entire state”
“Do we know her last name?” Saul asked “That could help narrow it down”
We all glanced at each other “Didn’t she say during her set?” Jason said “EllaPeters?”
“Pierce,” I said suddenly “Her name is Ella Pierce”
“Great,” Saul flashed , at least” He nodded at Darren “Search for auto shops in West Virginia and the name Pierce”
We all held a collective breath as Darren tapped away at his phone screen He squinted, the bright light of the screen blinding in the darkness of the van “This ,” he said “Don’s Autos, owned and operated by Don Pierce”