Page 16 (1/2)
Lester took a seat on the barstool next to hed internally Was Rosa the only person in the world who could tell that I wanted to be left alone?
“How are you doing?” he asked me as Rosa approached to take his order “Just water, please, Rosa Thank you”
“I’azed at the e another Better not risk it, I decided
Lester stared straight ahead “It was a nice service The vigil, I mean”
I grunted To be honest, I barely reh it had only happened the day before I had felt like I was sleepwalking through the day, still caught up in the nightmare Saul had woken me from
Lester cleared his throat, and I braced , but ultimately useless attempt at a heart to heart “If you ever wanted to talk,” he said, “you know I’m always around”
“Thanks, ood Really I’m fine”
Lester picked at his cocktail napkin, shredding it into pieces “You know my dad died when I was sixteen” I closed my eyes I didn’t want to do this Why couldn’t he see that? “It was rough, for my mom and for et better”
I nodded, eyes fixed ahead Lester pushed on “I know that things are hard, but it doesn’t help anyone to keep quiet about it”
“I don’t want to talk,” I said finally “I’m fine, man, really”
Lester put his hand on ly gentle “And that’s okay, but you need to talk about it”
I shrugged away “I said I’m fine I don’t need anyone to baby me” I stood up
“We’re not babying you,” Lester said “We’re worried about you Because we care about you”
I sighed I knew Lester was trying to be helpful It wasn’t his fault that I was a miserable bastard “It’s fine You don’t have to worry about ood I promise”
Lester regarded me doubtfully “Whatever you say,” he said finally “But I’m still here, if you need me”
“Thanks, Lester,” I said “I appreciate it”