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Nohat? I blinked in the waro back to the motel, not yet I didn’t want to face my bandmates until I absolutely had to They were horrible Had they always been this horrible? I suspected they had been, I just hadn’t wanted to admit it to myself

Vaguely, I toyed with the idea of going hoht, and to please coet me I knew that he would, if I asked, but no I owed it to o up froht?

I suddenly becaary sht to a bakery I smiled to myself This was just what I needed: a little treat to cheer me up I liked the look of this bakery, which was decorated with fil coated in icing The refrigerated case was full of beautiful baked goods: cupcakes, donuts, le at theht into the person in front of me in line

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you,” I babbled,as I took in the person in front of me

He was tall, so tall I had to strain my neck to look at his face, which was extrelasses He had dark, wavy hair that I felt the uncoh I’d bet it was soft He srin He was clearly amused by my reaction “No worries,” he said “It happens”

My eyes fell on the guitar case slung over his shoulder “Do you play?” I asked, blushing all the more as I realized the stupidity of the question “Of course you do,” I said “You’re not just wandering around with a guitar for no reason”

The hed “You never know,” he said “Maybe I just carry this thing around to pick up girls”

“Does it work?” I asked

“It got you to talk tofizzled inwithhis hand to shake

“Ella,” I said

“Nice to meet you, Ella” Darren reached the front of the line, and placed an order for a dozen donuts “Forto eat them all myself Probably”