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“I know It’s probably a result of the way my warlock and olf sides combined in ether, the result is so brand new”

“This is both fascinating and es have I been thinking while we’ve been together?”

“I can’t really read you Like most olves, it comes across as a nonverbal, chaotic juht”

He grinned and od for that”

I grinned, too “If I’d been able to read your thoughts, ould I have discovered?”

“That I’m horribly sappy and not nearly as invulnerable as I like to pretend I am”

He went back to unbuttoning etting naked now? Is that the plan?”

“Your jeans are soaked and you’re shivering, so I’ to warm you up Any objections?”

“None whatsoever”


We hung my wet clothes on a chair in front of the fire, and he tookbathrooestured at the tub and said, “Hop in”

“Will you be joining me?”

“Actually, I’ to bathe you”

I climbed into the tub and told him, “Just so you know, I’m really not used to stuff like this You may want to pace yourself”

All he said to that was, “It’s time you learn to be cared for”

Elias did exactly what he said he was going to, after first stripping down to just a pair of black briefs He sat on the edge of the tub and washed ently with a soft cloth and a bar of soap that smelled faintly of lemons Then he sha I usually found next to impossible—I relaxed and surrendered control

I’d never expected us to be so comfortable around each other I could only assu a bond for a century But whatever the reason, it was pretty wonderful

When the water started to cool, Elias pulled the plug, then held up a big towel for me When I stepped into it, he wrapped his arme to the bed

The fire had warh for us to stretch out on top of the covers I trailed ers across his collar bone, then down his arm as I murmured, “There’s so much I don’t know about you”

“Ask ”