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I should destroy this There’s no such thing as secure data Once a thing is written it will somehow escape But I can’t I never knewabout himself
Mr Stern recovered this froo, now Or seeo to me
This was his story Mine, too, though at the ti But this is hoell, it’s at least part of how everything began
My father, Grey McLure Burnofsky Lear Even Caligula It’s all here And I could trash can it all, wipe it clean Except that these areaboutabout me And I find now that every word is infinitely precious
Soon secrecy won’t matter Soon very little willAnd I loved my dad
I am Plath My enemies have come to fear that name, and I revel in their dread
But once I was just Sadie Sadie, who loved her dad
I am not a brave man
I aainst fear Fear now rules my world, or perhaps I should say fears plural, unless you believe that all fears are only one fear, the big one, the fear of death
I don’t believe that To ranular Fear is specific Each fear has its own smell and taste, its own picture and face
The great fear for reat fear is madness The death of a creature ssucked into a whirlpool
I fear that madness I fear it so badly that I shake from it as I write this
The things I have seen The things I have seen And touched, though not with my own hands
We live in a series of co with the illusion that we are a huular, separate, and discrete object called a human We say, “That’s a man, or that’s a woman,” and we mean only the parts that are undeniably human, and not any of the bits and pieces that live on or in that human
We are not, any of us, a singular object We are an ecosystem We are a Brazilian rain forest of life