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Cruz screamed in sheer, out-of-control terror Malik’s face was a mask of horror, teeth bared, eyes wide Shade’s insides turned to water She felt a desperate urge to find a bathroom, preferably one on another continent But she did not screaht to scream, she was a monster, too, or would be in mere seconds
“Malik!” She grabbed his shoulder “You and Cruz get the hell out of here Now! I have to—”
But what she had to do was not ma creature had turned his attention back to the Okeanos nestling up to the dock
Heitbegan to run
One step and he enty feet away Another great bounding step on legs as long as telephone poles and as thick as ancient redwoods The vibration of each planted foot was like a low-level earthquake
“He’s not exactly slow himself,” Shade s not quite her own
The police forces in the parking lot didn’t need to be told to fire—they blazed aith handguns and shotguns, but if the bullets struck the n that they were a problem for him And then the esture
The police fired until their clips were eain, and all to no effect
Thehis hideous, burned-reptile head lower, o a sound that even from more than a hundred yards shook Shade down to her bones
They had made a stop at a martial arts store and picked up various weapons for Shade: throwing stars, nunchakus, an actual sword, but they were pitiful stuff to use against this creature Shade retrieved a pathetically s at them that she had no chance, no chance at all
Run, Shade, run away!
She could be in the next county in five minutes’ run She could be in Mexico in twenty , too dangerous for her to battle
But you’ve got nunchakus! a savagely sarcastic inner voice reminded her