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Grammy pushed back from the desk I was bewildered

“I don’t understand You haven’t even finished your coffee Graether”

I shouldn’t havelonely and neglected I had co her feel unimportant It didn’t help that Steve’s press conference was the way she discovered ine how that must have made her feel with the revelation of the safe

“I’ht Truly Please stay and talk to me”

“I have more business to attend to, dear” She reached up on her tiptoes to kiss me

I offered my cheek like I always did

“Is it so I can help you with?” I asked “Is it at the attorney’s office I’ll ride with you”

She stopped at the door “No I don’t need your help with this, Nessa I think I may have found your brother”

With that she snapped the lock in place and was gone

I stared at the closed door

What in the hell was going on?



She couldn’t be serious Why was Gra down my brother? Why did it suddenly matter where he was?

I pressed the button on the intercom and called Candy