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I grinned The pain in my throat eased “You’ll have to come up and visit Greer would love to see you”
“I’ll talk to Morgan about it”
“Ok” I shn I had to stop keeping my own set of secrets “Bye”
He followedand watched as I walked down the stairs
There was a calmness that usually didn’t come when I left Garrett We had that quirky twin bond That unspeakable link that united us when everything else around us was in sha, I didn’t have the fear that so for hiht have been overly optiood that caital detox I waved over my shoulder, until he was a dot in my rearview mirror
Moot home
I spotted the bag at her ankles
“What is that?” I asked
“I’ to see your brother”
I shook oing to be ok”
She tugged on the pearl studs “You’ve seen him I haven’t There’s a difference”
I sighed “I realize that Why don’t we call him? You can screen call and see his new beard” I pulled out my phone He’d better answer this time
“He has a beard?” She looked confused
“Oh, yeah It’s a fullthat impressive”
“You’re calling him now?”