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Chapter Sixteen
Greer and I waited in line for the couple in front of us at the roceries for the entire month
“What did Preston say when you told hiht?” I asked
“He’s fine with it I think he knows things have been out of balance lately”
“Because of work?” I orried the senator’s office would discover Lana’s case before ere ready to officially file It was one e secret I kept from my friend
She sighed “Because of everything”
“What’s going on, Greer?” I heldto do with Senator Mitcherson and Lana Foley
We scooted forward in line and started placing the steaks and vegetables on the counter
“I think it’s a phase I know it’s a phase”
“What is?”
She quieted her voice “We’re both so tired e get hoo to sleep”
“Ohh” I felt relieved “That’s understandable You’re exhausted You both work crazy hours That’s why Vaughn and I have lazy Sundays We just re-charge”
She shook her head “No, I mean we sleep Only sleep” Her eyes bore into mine
“Ohh” I realized what she was telling me “You haven’t?”
“Not in weeks I don’t knohen the last time was actually”