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“Exactly I can finish it before bed”
“You sure? I’m a little rusty, but I can look over soether”
I appreciated that she wanted to help But I knew I could finish the work on my own, and maybe faster
“I’m sure It will take me an hour at most I’ll work on it in bed until I’m done”
She stretched her ar to take a shower and go to bed Tomorrow’s another early day”
Greer pulledafter we cleaned the kitchen
“I’lad you’re here”
“Me to
o” I stood back and looked at ht”
“Good night” She walked to her room and closed the door
I picked up my laptop and padded off toward my room There really weren’t ue for the last nressed
I worked through the weeks leading up to final exa my laptop
I changed into an old college T-shirt, brushed my teeth, and washed my face I was too exhausted to rinse off in the shower I slid under the covers My eyes burned I was so tired
I tossed and turned I ht Every ti for the tihn It was stupid Silly, really, but I thought I would have heard fro into a class Atteroup of students But I was hung up on a guy
I exhaled, re rules He made his own rules That was part of as so attractive about him He did and said what he wanted