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Her own feet twitched, and she darted a glance at the doorway Devlin ought to be informed as soon as possible…
But reason quickly prevailed Venturing out into the deserted hallways of the castle with an armed assassin on the proas not the wisest of ideas
Perhaps eous risks
Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, Anna crept back to the sanctuary of her bed The downy softness felt blissfully good against her tired limbs, and she stifled a yawn as she burrowed deeper into the covers
“Still abed, mademoiselle?” Josette paused by the arhtrails in her arms “Shall I come back later?”
“No, no, it’s quite alright” Anna pried an eye open and winced as a blade of sunlight cut across her face “Oh, dear, is it fearfully late?”
“Not by the standards of your fellow guests Most of the ladies don’t rise until well after noon”
“I a in bed,” sheshoulders, she was sorely teer
“An eventful evening?” inquired the maid
The question quickly cleared the muzziness from her head
Ye gods—the evening!
Anna sat up quickly and pushed a loosened hank of hair off her cheek “N-no, not really”
Josette leaned down and fished a bedraggled stocking—an un—from beneath the bed “Hmmm”
Drat! In he