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Page 7 (1/2)

I HAD a vague recollection of having heard my friend Edward Malone, of the Gazette, speak of Professor Challenger, hom he had been associated in some remarkable adventures I am so busy, however, with my own profession, and my firm has been so overtaxed with orders, that I know little of what is going on in the world outside eneral recollection was that Challenger has been depicted as a wild genius of a violent and intolerant disposition I was greatly surprised to receive a business co terms:

'14 (Bis), Enton


'I have occasion to engage the services of an expert in Artesian borings I will not conceal froh one, and that I have usually found that a man who, like myself, has a well-equipped brain can take a sounder and broader view than the e (which, alas, is so often a mere profession), and is therefore liive you a trial Looking down the list of Artesian authorities, a certain oddity – I had almost written absurdity – in your name attractedfriend, Mr Edward Malone, was actually acquainted with you I alad to have an intervieith you, and that if you satisfy my requirements, and my standard is no mean one, I may be inclined to put a most important matter into your hands I can say no more at present as the matter is of extreme secrecy, which can only be discussed by word of agement which you may happen to have, and that you will call uponof next Friday There is a scraper as well as a er is most particular

'I rean,

'George Edward Challenger'

I handed this letter to my chief clerk to answer, and he inforlad to keep the appointed It was a perfectly civil business note, but it began with the phrase: 'Your letter (undated) has been received' This drew a second epistle from the Professor:

'Sir,' he said and his writing looked like a barbed wire fence – 'I observe that you aniht I draw your attention to the fact that, as some return for aa sn or stamp upon the outside on the envelope which notifies the date of posting? Should this sign be ible your remedy lies with the proper postal authorities Meanwhile, I would ask you to confine your observations to matters which concern the business over which I consult you, and to cease to comment upon the form which my own letters may assume

' It was clear to ht it well before I went any further in the matter to call upon my friend Malone, whoer for Richmond I found him the same jolly Irisher

'That's nothing, my boy,' said he 'You'll feel as if you had been skinned alive when you have been with him five minutes He beats the world for offensiveness'

'But why should the world put up with it?'

'They don't If you collected all the libel actions and all the rows and all the police-court assaults-'
